Thursday 23 January 2014

Why Are Cloth Nappies So Good For Your Baby?

Congratulations on the new arrival! Caring for your little bundle of joy is a truly delightful experience, when you want to lavish all your love and attention over this one unique person. Nothing is good enough for your precious baby for whom, if possible, you would even buy the moon!
Naturally, you want the very best for your child, and with the countless baby products flooding the market, this means you can pick and choose to your satisfaction. Moreover, many options are available to the parent of today, and it is up to you to make up your mind about whats best for your child.
Is breast feeding better than the bottle, what brand of baby food is more healthy, or, oh dear, shouldn’t the nursery be painted a mild and soothing green instead of all this pink? Why types of swaddle blankets are best?  Should you opt for cloth or disposable diapers? Are you doing the right thing? Help!
Relax. The most important thing when raising a child is to make sure it is healthy. Just as proper nutrition is essential for your babys welfare, so is hygiene and cleanliness. While nutrition can be easily taken care of with regular feedings of milk, hygiene is a different matter. With little or no control over their bodily functions, babies expel a lot of waste, and keeping them clean can be a daunting task. The solution? Nappies, of course!
There are disposable nappies and cloth nappies. Disposable nappies are easy to use; use it once and throw it away. No washing, no fuss! However, disposable diapers are made of chemicals that can harm your baby’s sensitive skin. Also, with its synthetic texture, disposable nappies are not comfortable, and babies are prone to develop rashes or allergies. Diapers made from natural fibers are a welcome change from disposable nappies as they are soft and soothing to the skin.
Raising a child also means rising expenses! A baby will go through up to a thousand or more diapers before his first birthday. Disposable diapers cost more than cloth nappies, but in this case, being expensive does not necessarily mean its better. Cloth nappies are lower-priced and are reusable. So, one cloth nappy serves as well as many disposable ones.
To further cut expenses, using second hand cloth nappies is a good idea, and after your baby has outgrown them, it is recommended you donate them to other parents or reuse them for your next child, thereby reducing waste. If one baby will use more than a thousand diapers in a year, imagine the amount of garbage generated in a city from diapers alone! While disposable nappies contain chemicals that do not decompose, discarded cloth nappies are absorbed back into the environment, and are thus very eco-friendly.
In the modern nuclear family where both parents work, washing cloth nappies may seem a tedious process. A gentle wash in the washing machine solves this problem.
Comfort for your baby comes first, and with the menace of harmful chemicals in disposable diapers, cloth nappies seem the only solution. Comfortable, hygienic, eco-friendly, durable with so many merits, it is no wonder cloth nappies are replacing disposable diapers everywhere.

Friday 22 November 2013

Designer Crib Bedding For Your Baby

Having a baby is one of the most natural and exciting things to happen to a family. Many people feel that their family is not complete without children of their own and the nine months from conception to birth is filled with enthusiasm and preparation.
One of the most exciting parts of the process for parents-to-be is the creation of a nursery for the newcomer. Babies obviously require a large amount of equipment, such as changing mats, clothes, swaddle blankets toys and a crib. Preparing the nursery so that everything they need is available when they come home makes the impending arrival more real for the household. Choosing the color, style and overall look of the room depends largely on the personalities of the parents, but many opt for designer items to ensure that they are of high standards and do the job they were made to do well, while looking aesthetically pleasing.
One area which can really alter the overall look of the room is the crib itself and the bedding within. For the first few years, the crib will be the dominating piece of furniture in the room and every visitor to the home will at some point peer in at the newborn as they sleep in their crib. The baby will spend a large proportion of its time sleeping for the first weeks and months so it makes sense to ensure that this is one area which the parents are particularly happy with.
Celebrities are renowned for using the best products and manufacturers for their babies. This endorsement, whether paid or not, brings certain products to the forefront of the public’s mind and many parents feel that if it is good enough for a film star, it is good enough for them and their baby. Finding the products to buy can be a different matter though, particularly if you do not live in or near to a large city. However, the internet and site’s like Amazon have made it much easier to find whatever product you are looking for and to have it shipped directly to your home.
Once you have selected the bedding theme you like, you can then for all the additional products which will complement the look you have chosen.